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used cold rolling mill
2001 VOLLMER 900mm 20hi cold rolling mill copper
stock No.: 332, it is written on May 27, 2022- product description
- Technical Parameters
machine is made by VOLLMER, in 2001
max. coil width: 900mm
material: copper
input thickness: max. 3mm
output thickness: 0.06-0.2mm
coil width: max. 1080mm
coil ID: 510-600mm
coil OD: max. 1400mm
coil weight: max. 8 ton
work roll diameter: 40mm
middle roll diameter: 78-127mm
driven roll diameter: 42-71mm
back up bearing quantity: 122 pcs / 56 pairs
rolling direction: from left to right
main motor power: ABB 440 KW
uncoiler motor: A) 300KW DC
B) 75KW AC
B) 75KW AC
Vollmer VBM1076 thickness gauge
ABB motor: 2 pcs
electric control system: 2 pcs
REXROTH hydraulic components
operation console
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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