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used cold rolling mill
No.180 Used 1400mm 20 Hi single stand stainless steel reversible cold rolling mill
It is made in 2007--2008. The written time is April 25,2021- product description
- Technical Parameters
Technical parameters:
• Working roll size: ф 63.5× 1400mm material: cr12mnvco
• First intermediate roll size: ф 175 × 1420 mm material: 9Cr2Mo
• Second intermediate roll size: ф102 × 1580 mm material: 9Cr2Mo
• • Backing bearing roll: ф 300 × 160 of 24
• Main rolling mill motor power: 2000 kW 660 V 500 ~ 1000 rpm
• Coiler power: 1500 kW 660 V 350 ~ 1000 rpm
• Maximum rolling pressure: 10000 kn
• Rolling speed: V ≤ 300 m / min
• Speed accuracy: steady state: ± 0.1%
• Maximum acceleration: 0.4m/s ² • Maximum deceleration of emergency stop: 1.5m/s ² • Fast stop deceleration: 1.0m/s ² • Normal parking deceleration: 0.2m/s ²
• Uncoiling tension: 60 kn
• Uncoiling speed: 90 m / min
• Drum diameter: drum Φ 585~ Φ 610mm
• Uncoiler motor: 250KW
Thickness of steel plate: 2.0 ~ 3.0 mm
Width of steel plate: 900 ~ 1250mm
Coil weight: 12 ~ 22.5 t
Material: stainless steel
Coil outer diameter: Ф 1800mm(max)
Inside coil: pickling plate Ф 610 mm
Tolerance requirements of hot rolled billet: longitudinal thickness difference ≤ 3%, transverse thickness difference ≤ 1.5%
How many process | Roll Thickness (mm) | Absolute pressure (mm) | Run down rate % | Under the total pressure ratio % | The total tension KN | roll speed M/min | roll pressure (T) | roll time(mins) | ||
post tension | pre-tension | continue roll | interbal roll | |||||||
0 | 2.75 | 2 | ||||||||
1 | 2.00 | 0.75 | 27.3 | 27.3 | 40 | 550 | 150 | 402 | 10.0 | 3 |
2 | 1.25 | 0.75 | 37.5 | 54.5 | 500 | 350 | 150 | 445 | 10.0 | 1 |
3 | 0.78 | 0.47 | 37.6 | 71.6 | 330 | 250 | 180 | 441 | 12.8 | 3 |
1 | 0.5 | 0.27 | 35.89 | 81.8 | 180 | 220 | 200 | 373 | 16.2 | 2 |
2 | 0.32 | 0.18 | 36 | 88.4 | 130 | 150 | 240 | 332 | 21.0 | 1 |
3 | 0.25 | 0.07 | 21.8 | 90.9 | 100 | 80 | 260 | 300 | 25.0 | 3 |
Scope of supply:
1. Two coilers and one uncoiler
2. Coil storage saddle of decoiler (two coils can be stored)
3. Winding car (hydraulic drive lifting and moving) and accessories
4. Uncoiling guide and uncoiling knife
5. Pinch roll and straightener
6. Bridge guide platform
10. Guide table and guide roll of entrance coiler
11. Entrance tension measuring guide roll
12. Entrance shear
13. Entrance three roll side guide alignment
14. Inlet degreaser (squeezing roller)
15. 20 high reversing rolling mill (including equipment in stand, excluding backing bearing of rolling mill)
16. Outlet degreaser (squeezing roller)
17. Exit shear
18. Exit tension measuring guide roll
19. Guide table and guide roll of exit coiler
24. Work roll change trolley (semi-automatic form), backup roll change trolley
25. The coupling of Uncoiler and drive motor, the coupling of inlet and outlet coiler and drive motor with brake disc.
26. Hydraulic system (one set of high pressure system and one set of low pressure system)
27. Two Isotope Thickness Gauges
28. Emulsion system
29. Thin oil lubrication system
30. Exhaust system of rolling mill
31. All backing bearings
32. Electrical and automatic control system
33. All DC motors
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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