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used cold rolling mill

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used 2 stands 1300mm 6hi cold rolling mill

stock number: 602, it is written on 29/11/2024
  • product description
  • Technical Parameters

Material: mild steel Q235

Low carbon: max. σs= 270N/mm2  max. σb=390N/mm2

High carbon: max. σs=500N/mm2 max. σb=650N/mm2

Input material

Coil thickness: 1.5-5.0mm

Coil width: 750-1300mm

Coil ID: 610mm

Coil OD: 1000-2100mm

Coil weight: max. 27.6t

Unit width coil weight( kg/mm): Max.20

Output product

Coil thickness: 0.2-2.0mm

Coil width: 750-1300mm

Coil ID: 610mm

Coil OD: 1000-2100mm

Coil weight: max.27.6 t

Steel coil tower shape: ≤40mm

Convexity of strip steel≤100μm

Cross section wedge-shaped strip steel≤50μm

Convex starting point on the surface of the strip steel≤15μm

width tolerancenominal width 0- +10mm

max.rolling force: 20000KN

max. rolling torque: 200 KN m

max. rolling speed: 1200m/min

rated rolling speed: 600m/min

threading speed: 30m/min

uncoiling speed: max. 600m/min

recoiling speed: max. 1260m/min

uncoiling tension:7-65kN

recoiling tension: max. 140kN

work roll: Φ425/Φ385x1500mm

middle roll: Φ490/Φ440x1530mm

backup roll: Φ1300/Φ1150x1500mm

uncoiler cone diameter (expansion/withdraw): Φ630/Φ570mm

recoiler cone diameter(expansion/withdraw): Φ610/Φ585mm

stand Column section: 700x830=581000mm2

work roll openness: 20mm

work roll Positive and negative bending roller force (single roller on one side):360/180 kN

middle roll Positive bending roller force (single roller on one side): 500kN

Horizontal displacement of intermediate roller: 400mm

General hydraulic transmission system pressure: 14MPa

Balance the pressure of the bending roller system: 28MPa

Pressing down system pressure: 28MPa


Main motor power: N=1300kw X8 pcs

Recoiler motor power: N=1500kw X4 pcs

Uncoiler motor power: N=700kw x1pcs



Hydraulic AGC, x-ray coil thickness gauge

Uncoiler with width and height centering

PLC control

HMI touch screen

DC drive

Work roll Positive and negative bending control

Work roll, middle roll quick change system


Unit speed, tension automatic adjust


Scope of supply: coil car, uncoiler, coil opener, recoiler, 6hi cold rolling mill, stand, recoiler, CPC, unloading coil car, electric control system, hydraulic system

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