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used cold rolling mill
2007 China 1st Heavy Machinery 1300mm 6 hi reverse CRM
stock No.:208, it is written on Jan.7,2022- product description
- Technical Parameters
1. Basic information
machine is made in 2007 by China 1st Heavy Machinery Factory
1300mm 6 hi reverse cold rolling mill is a hot-rolled coil made of ordinary carbon steel and low alloy high-quality steel with a thickness of 1.5~4.0mm after pickling and trimming, which is rolled for several passes at room temperature to make it into cold-rolled coils of various specifications with required thickness and surface roughness.
2. Main performance parameters of the unit
2.1 Raw material status: hot rolled steel coil after pickling (edge cutting or no edge cutting).
2.1. 1. Raw material: low carbon steel, medium carbon steel and low alloy steel.
Representative steel grades: Q195 ~ Q235, 08Al, 20#, SPCC, SPCD
2. 1. 2. Material properties: σb= 260~630 N/mm2
σs=140~450 N/mm2
2. 1. 3. Thickness: 1 .5~4. 0 mm
2. 1. 4. Width: 800~1300 mm
2. 1. 5 coil inner diameter: Φ 610 mm
2. 1. 6. Coil outer diameter: Φ 1100~ Φ 2100mm (equipment capacity)
2. 1. 7. Maximum coil weight: 28 t (equipment capacity, output calculation shall be based on the hot rolling coil weight proposed by Tanggang)
2.1. 8. The heating and rolling raw materials meet the national standards GB709-88, GB710-91 and GB912-89.
2. 1. 9. The steel strip halo (including thickness tolerance) shall comply with the dimensions, shape, weight and allowable deviation of GB708-88 cold rolled steel sheet and strip, GB13237-91 high quality carbon structure steel cold rolled sheet and strip, GB / T2520-2000 cold rolled galvanized tin sheet, GB / T5213-2001 cold rolled sheet and strip for deep drawing, GB / T11253-89 carbon structural steel and low alloy structural steel cold rolled sheet and strip.
2.2 finished products
2.2.1 thickness: 0.2~2mm (carbon steel and low alloy)
2.2.2 width: 900~1300 mm
2.2.3 coil inner diameter: Φ 610 mm
2.2.4 coil outer diameter: Φ 1100~Φ 2100mm
2. 2. 5. Maximum coil weight: 28 t (equipment capacity)
2.3 finished product accuracy:
See product assessment guarantee value.
2.4 main technical parameters of the unit:
2. 4. 1. Maximum rolling pressure: 20000 kN
2.4. 2. Maximum rolling torque: 150 kNm
2.4. 3. Maximum rolling speed: 900 m / min
2.4.4 threading speed: 60 m / min
2.4. 5. Maximum uncoiling speed: 400 m / min
2.4. 5. Maximum coiling speed: 960 M / min
2. 4. 6 uncoiling tension: 7~70 kN
2.4. 7. Coiling tension: 7~70 kN (single motor)
70~140 kN (double motor)
2. 4. 8 working roll size: Φ 425 / Φ 385X 1450mm
2.4. 9 intermediate roll size: Φ 490/ Φ 440X1480 mm
2.4. 10 backup roll size: Φ 1300/ Φ 1150X1450 mm
2. 4. 11 diameter of Uncoiler drum: (expansion / contraction): Φ 630 / Φ 570 mm (nominal Φ 610mm)
2.4. 12 coiler drum diameter: (expansion / contraction): Φ 610/ Φ 585 mm
2. 4. 13. Section of rack column: 600 x 800 = 480000mm2
2.4. 14. Minimum opening of work roll: 20mm
2.4. 15 positive / negative roll bending force of work roll (single roll one side): 360 / 180 kN
2.4. 16 positive bending force of intermediate roll (one side of single roll): 500 kN
2.4. 17 intermediate roll traverse: 325mm
2.4. 18 pressure of general hydraulic transmission system: 14 MPa
2. 4. 19 pressure of balance roll bending system: 28 MPa
2.4.20 holding down system pressure: 28 MPa
Main motor power
Main rolling mill motor: N = 1250kW, 4 sets in total
Left and right coiler motors: N = 1200kW DC motor, 2 each, 4 in total
Uncoiler motor: N = 500kW, 1 set in total
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