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used cold rolling mill
No.188 New 1150mm cold rolling mill
It is new machine. The written time is June 28,2021.- product description
- Technical Parameters
Machine performance
2.1 incoming material specification
Materials: pickling hot rolled coil Q195, 08Al, 20, SPHC, low alloy steel, etc
Maximum yield limit of mechanical properties σ s=360 N/mm2
Thickness 1.2-4 mm
Width 750-1015 mm
Coil diameter (inside / outside) Φ510 ×Φ 900-1800 mm
Maximum coil weight 18 t
2.2 finished product size
Thickness 0.18-1.2 mm
Width 750-1015 mm
Coil diameter (inside / outside) Φ 510/ Φ 900-1800 mm
Maximum coil weight 18 t
Thickness tolerance ± 0.005mm δ< 0.3mm
± 0.008mm 0.3≤ δ< 0.5mm
± 2% δ mm δ ≥0.5mm
3、 Main technical parameters
Mill specifications Φ 950/ Φ 370/ Φ 300 × 1150 mm
Maximum rolling pressure 11000 kn
Maximum rolling torque 80 kn. M
Belt piercing speed 18 m/min
Rolling speed 0 ~ 780 M / min
Uncoiling tension 5-50 kn
Coiling tension 12-120 kn (first gear, V < 450m / min)
6.3-63 kn (gear II, V ≥ 450m / min)
Maximum coiling speed 800 m/ min
Single side bending force of work roll (positive / negative) 300 / 180 kn
Intermediate roll traverse force 550 / 350 kn
Working roll diameter Φ 300- Φ 270 mm
Diameter of intermediate roll Φ 370- Φ 335 mm
Backup roll diameter Φ 950- Φ 890 mm
Length of working roll body 1150 mm
Intermediate roll displacement 200 mm
Maximum opening of working roll 20 mm
Uncoiler drum diameter Φ 460-520 (full circle) Φ 510)
Coiler drum diameter Φ 490- Φ 510 mm (full circle) Φ 510mm)
Axial floating amount of Uncoiler drum ± 75 mm
Diameter of lower pinch roll of head straightener Φ 400 mm
Guide roller diameter Φ 400 mm
Rolling line elevation +1000 mm
Adjustment stroke of rolling line elevation 125 mm
Process lubrication flow 6000 L / min
Working pressure of hydraulic system
Balance, roll bending, traverse, press up 21 MPa
General hydraulic transmission 10 MPa
The transmission direction of the mill is on the right side of the strip forward direction of the blooming pass.
4、 Unit installed level
4.1 Siemens DC speed regulation, SCR power supply (mixed structure) and PLC control are adopted for main rolling mill, uncoiler and front and rear coiler.
4.2 automatic thickness control (AGC) is performed by computer when fully hydraulic pressure is pressed. The hydraulic AGC system is controlled by two-level computer, which has the functions of constant roll gap, constant rolling force and thickness monitoring.
4.3 rolling mill has control means of pressure reduction deviation, positive / negative bending of working roll and positive bending of intermediate roll; The shape control means of the intermediate roll transverse setting and roll cooling.
4.4 the uncoiler has CPC automatic centering function.
4.5 quick roll change of working roll and intermediate roll.
4.6 the rolling mill electrical system has overload protection, strip breaking protection and emergency stop and other safety protection systems; The main machine and coiler have the functions of automatic deceleration with tail and accurate stop; The coiler has the function of circle number memory.
4.7 rolling mill speed control: speed / tension control of Uncoiler and coiler, digital display.
4.8 the rolling line elevation is adjusted quickly by electric pressing screw.
4.9 oil and gas lubrication of rolling mill bearings.
4.10 PLC programmable control is adopted for the production process interlock and fault alarm of the unit to realize the automation of production process.
4.11 the unit has the pre setting of process parameters, detection, display and alarm system of process parameters and key equipment parameters.
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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