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used cold rolling mill
1966 LOEWY ROBERTSON 1600mm 4hi one stand one directioncold rolling mill aluminum foil
stock No.: 344, it is written on June 1, 2022. C-3- product description
- Technical Parameters
material: aluminum
coil width: max.1600mm
input thickness: 0.1mm
output thickness: 0.01-0.018 mm
uncoiler motor: 40KW ×1 DC
main motor: 55KW×1 DC
recoiler motor: 825KW×1 DC
line speed: max. 600m/min
work roll size: OD280×1950mm
back up roll size: OD760×1850mm
total weight: approximate 500 ton
exclude electric control system
above specifications are only reference, If there is any discrepancy,
please follow all specifications at used machine site
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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Next:1974 LOEWY ROBERTSON 1600mm 4hi one stand one direction cold rolling mill aluminum foil
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