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used cold rolling mill
CR No.114 New 1250mm 6Hi reversible Cold rolling mill
1250mm 6Hi Reversible cold rolling mill.The equipment is year warranty.(Material:mild steel).The written time is September 23,2020.
- product description
- Technical Parameters
Material:mild steel,alloy steel
Coil width: 900-1250mm
Inlet thickness 1.2-4mm
Coil ID:610mm
Coil OD:900-1900mm
Outlet thickness:mild steel 0.3-1mm;alloy steel 0.5mm
Max coil weight:25tons
Coil ID:510mm
Coil OD:900-1900mm
Max yield strength 360MPa
Max rolling force 15000KN
Max rolling torque;110KNM
Max rolling speed:1000m/min
Threading speed:30m/min
Max uncoiler speed:400m/min
Coil tension:170-17KN(<640m/min);100-10KN (≥640 m/min)
Max coiler speed: 1050m/min
Working roll specifications: φ400-φ370×1450 mm
Intermediate roll specifications: φ450-φ415×1450mm
Back-up roll specifications: φ1250-φ1190×1350mm
Uncoiler reel diameter: φ560-φ620mm
Coiler drum diameter: φ510-φ 495mm
Deflector roll specifications: φ500×1450mm
Lead roll specifications: φ200×1200mm
Vacuum degreasing roll specifications: φ180×1450mm
Max opening of working roll: 20mm
Work roll bending force (single side positive / negative): 375 / 280KN
Single side bending force of intermediate roll: 450KN
Transverse movement force of working roll: 680 / 430KN
Horizontal displacement: 200 mm
Cooling medium: emulsion
Process lubrication flow: 7000l / min
Working pressure of hydraulic system:
Roll bending traverse: 21MPa
General hydraulic transmission: 10MPa
Working line elevation + 1000mm
Drive direction:Right drive
Motor power:AC frequency conversion,1000KW*8sets;560KW*1set
Scope of supply
Mechanical equipment
Coil car
Head leveler
Right coiler
Unloading car (two sets)
Front device
1250mm 6Hi cold rolling mill
Rear device
Roll-changing device
Left coiler
Belt coiler, etc.
Eletrical system
Main machine cabinet
Coil cabinet
Uncoiler cabinet
AC auxiliary cabinet
PLC cabinet,operation box
AGC control cabinet
AC frequency conversion motor
AC inverter
Hydraulic system(Without Process cooling station)
High-pressure station
Normal-pressure station
Lubrication station
Oil cylinder
Servo valve
Displacement sensor
Pressure sensor
Guilding roll speed encoder
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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