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used cold rolling mill
used 1250mm 6hi cold rolling mill
stock number: 585. it is written on 19/02/2024- product description
- Technical Parameters
Material: Q195, Q235, 08A1, 20, low alloy
Coil weight: max. 25ton
Coil thickness: 2.0-4mm
Coil width: 700-1000mm
Coil ID: 610mm
Coil OD: 1900mm
Output product:
coil width: 700-1250mm
Coil weight: max. 25ton
Coil thickness: 0.2-1mm
Accuracy: ±0.01mm (coil thickness <0.4mm), ±3% (coil thickness >0.4mm)
Coil ID: 510mm
Coil OD: 1900mm
Rolling speed: 1200m/min (0.2-0.8mm)
Work roll: (370-400) x 1450mm
Middle roll: (415-450) x 1450mm
Back up roll: (1190-1250) x 1400mm
Rolling force: max. 15000KN
Rolling torque: max.110KN.M
Threading speed: 18m/min
Rectification roll: 400 x 1450mm
Feeding roll: 200 x 1350mm
work roll openness: max. 20mmwork roll bending force( single side +/-): 375 / 280KNmiddle roll bending force: 450KNmiddle roll Lateral displacement: 200mmCooling medium: emulsion
Process lubrication flow rate: 7000L/mih
hydraulic system working pressureAGC system: 25Mpa
bending lateral displacement: 12-18Mpa
general hydraulic drive: 10Mpa
recoiling tension: 170-17KN (V<640m/min=100-10KN(V≥640m/min)max. recoiling speed: 1310m/milrecoiling ID: 495-510mm
Jaw opening degree: 10mmuncoiler tension: 80-8KN
uncoiling speed: 400m/min
uncoiler ID: 560-620mm
output thickness accuracy:
coil thickness 0.2mm, ±0.010mm
coil thickness 0.47mm, ±0.010mm
coil thickness 0.57mm, ±0.014mm
coil thickness 0.8mm, ±0.020mmcoil thickness 1.0mm, ±0.025mm
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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