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used hot rolling mill

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2010 used 1260mm 2hi reverse hot rolling mill aluminum

Stock number: 608, it is written on 16/Jan/2025
  • product description
  • Technical Parameters

used OD780x1500mm hot rolling mill aluminum
machine just stopped running recently
material: aluminum alloy and AA3000, AA5000 series and alloy, AA3000 and AA4000 composite material
input ingot
ingot thickness: 200-400mm
ingot width: 900-1000mm (1000 series), 900-1200mm (8000 series)
ingot length: 3000-5000mm
ingot weight: Max. 6500kg
output coil
min thickness: 5mm
accuracy: coil thickness ≤1.5%, flatness 50I (does not include head and tail coils)
coil width: 1260mm
coil ID: 510mm
coil OD: max. 1620mm
telescoping coil: ≤ 4mm
Tower type:  ≤ 5mm (Refers to the center deviation of aluminum coil)
coil weight: max. 6500kg
temperature: approximate 300 °C
work roll size: OD780x1500mm
rolling force: 12000KN
rolling speed: 0/60/90m/min
feeding speed: 0/15 m/min
roll balancing force: 150KN
openness: max. 450mm
electric pressing down motor power: 30x2kw
pressing down speed: 0/15 mm/s
stand section size: 500x600mm
work roll bearing type: 4 column cylindrical roller bearings
rolling torque: 1200KN

main motor power: DC 1600kw
drive shaft balancing force: hydraulic type
centering and guiding device x 2sets
height: 380mm
length: 3000mm
accuracy: ±2mm
drive type: hydraulic oil cylinder and mechanical synchronous
centering speed: 200mm/s
tension roller x2sets
roller OD: 280mm
roller length: 1500mm
drive: 27kw
speed: 0/90m/min
recoiler x2sets
recoiling tension: 12000KG accuracy: steady state ±1.5%, speeding up state ±3%
drive motor power: DC 235kw
recoiling speed: 0/90 m/min
recoiling OD: 510mm
recoiling thickness: 18mm
Auxiliary recoiler x 2sets
drive type: hydraulic
unloading coil car x2sets
capacity: 75KN
walking speed: 2m/min
lifting trip: 900mm

OD780x1500mm 2hi hot rolling mill
roller size: OD780x 1500mm
roller surface hardness: HS65-70, Hardening layer depth ≥ 30mm
rolling force: 10000KN
rolling torque: 1200kN.M
rolling speed: max. 90m/min
electric pressing down speed: 0-15mm/s
main motor: DC 1600kw x 1set
recoiler motor: DC 235KW
recoiling speed: 0/90m/min

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