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used hot rolling mill
used 700mm hot rolling mill steel coil
Used 700mm steel coil hot rolling mill is on sale. It was made in 2011 and it was shutdown in 2021.
The mill number:No.202. It is written on Dec, 2nd 2021.
- product description
- Technical Parameters
Production scale, raw materials and product specifications
1.1 production varieties
Ordinary carbon steel, low alloy steel
1.2 blank specification bill szie:
Blank thickness: 150-200mm
Maximum width of blank: 350-500mm
Blank length: 6000-8000mm
Maximum weight of blank: 8 T
1.3 product specification:
Product thickness: 1.8 - 6mm
Coil width: 350-500mm
1.4 production scale:
The annual output of various specifications of hot rolled steel coils is 500000 tons
1.5 the whole production is about 265m long and can be built in a 24m (width) workshop
Scope of supply:
coneying roller table 1 set
working roller table 1 set
phosphorus removal by high pressure water 1 set
750 reversible rolling mill train 1 set including motor, gear base
reversible vertical mill 1 set including motor and reducer
hot shear 1 set
700 4 hi mill train 10 sets including motor and reducer
vertical mill 1 set including motor and reducer
electric looper 6 sets
horizontal coiler 1 set
roll front roller table 1 set
hydraulic system 1 set
lubrication system 1 set
electric control system 1 set excluding high pressure part
If you want to quote or further information on this product, please fill out the form below.
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